Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Lucid Dream

 It was midnight if I guessed right, because I don't remember how or when, but it was worth remembering and that's why I'm taking this shot at writing it down. So here is what happened. I was scrolling through my phone checking my Instagram and especially as a Selena fan, was checking her pictures and was going through her posts, when suddenly there was a flash, a beam of light just struck me. I was stunned, and when I tried to open my eyes it was too bright for me, yet I tried and when I woke up it was all the same. I am in my room there’s no difference I checked my door and there it was locked, but I kept thinking what just happened? I got confused, I went to look myself in the mirror as if something has happened to my face, but to my satisfaction there was no problem, and when I was about to keep my comb in the drawer after brushing my hair; in the mirror I noticed someone is there on my bed. I was shocked, I was about to scream and thinking that screaming might actually wake that person up I stood still. I still had no clue who was that, so I decided to keep calm. I mustered courage and finally decided to check who is on my bed. I went near my bed and found that he/she was sleeping. I slowly tried to remove the blanket from the head and was shocked to see that, it was Selena. I couldn’t for a second believe my eyes, was I dreaming? Was I under drugs, I couldn’t capture anything, I went to my bathroom, washed my face thrice, pinched myself till I bleed and came back to my room and yes, she was there again. I was going to scream again and I thought that if I woke her up that would create a chaos and it is midnight alright. I was scared about the situation. I was not sure what was I going to say when she wakes up and I have no clue how was she going to react.


I kept thinking, thinking and thinking. I just couldn’t believe that Selena is in my bed. I went to the other side of the bed to see her face carefully. Yes, it was her and she looked too cute and too beautiful to be true. I just stared at her and it was like an hour later that I came back to my senses. I just couldn’t stop, it’s like seeing her more and more makes me want to see her more and more. But soon realizing the reality, I stood up thinking that if she is here, her real people out there might be looking for her in her home. I was scared by the thought that someone might come here to steal her from me. I stood up and grabbing up my toy pistol, I stood there waiting for an attack. But soon realizing that in this cold night, no one’s going to come up here looking for her I went to my bed, slid near her, thinking what are the possibilities that she is here right now and I kept on thinking while lying in my bed beside her. I couldn’t grab a clue as to how she would’ve ended up here, all the way across the world. Is it magic or wizardry or some scientific loop hole stuff? I had no clue. And I was about to close my eyes thinking that I would wake up early before she does and will explain all to her and find a way to send her back home safe and sound, because she might be scared after this weird incident. As I was about to close my eyes I felt something, she rolled over and started cuddling, her hands over my body and her legs on mine and her head on my chest. I trembled with nervousness, but soon realizing that would wake her up I decided to let it be. I patted her head slowly, rolling my fingers through her soft luscious hair, holding her towards me and hugging her tight I closed my eyes, thinking all would be the same when I wake up. And as soon as I could, I woke up, but was shocked not to see her around, I thought she might’ve woken up early and went downstairs. I suddenly got out of bed, sneakily walked down the stairs and searched everywhere until my mom caught me asking, “Are you searching for something?”, to which I said, ” Yeah, but she’s nowhere to be seen”. Mom surprisingly asked, “She?” I said, “Umm, yep my phone, my darling” and nearly escaped from her clutches and went back to my room, searched under my bed. I was in a dilemma, what had happened last night? What was that all about? I couldn’t understand a thing. Then I took my phone only to see that, she has posted her latest selfie in Instagram. I asked myself, “Was I dreaming?” But I couldn’t believe because it all felt real. I went on the internet searched about similar incidents, only to find a single term Lucid. It was a Lucid Dream.

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