Tuesday, September 20, 2022



Recently, I happen to see the trailer of the new Marvel Series, She-Hulk. Well, the trailer makes it seem like She-Hulk is stronger than the Hulk. But NO! When it comes to reality, She-Hulk is not even in the top most powerful versions of Hulk. The Titan Hulk is the most powerful version of Hulk according to Marvel Universe. This Hulk is actually Bruce Banner himself, also known as "Hulk's Hulk". So if any of you watching this trailer think for one second that She-Hulk is stronger than the original Hulk, you're wrong because she is nothing compared to the real deal. This series doesn't show anything related to what a superhero should be. This series doesn't even need a She-Hulk to be exact because it's all about an independent woman who is facing discrimination from society. This is not a Marvel Movie, it's a Disney Movie where the princess fight for her dreams. And a huge disappointment from Marvel for not showcasing Hulk's full potential in the past few Avengers' Movies. Hulk can cause a lot more destruction than he actually does in these movies. And Hulk is not a funny guy, he is always angry except for a few moments. And that angry Hulk which we all witnessed in the movies Hulk and Incredible Hulk was also taken away. It was and still is a huge disappointment from the Marvel Team.


Let's move on to Thor: Love and Thunder and why that is also a big failure. Thor is one of the most powerful Avengers, who is also a Norse God and Jane Foster is a mere mortal. Even though she was able to lift the Mighty Hammer (Mjolnir), she doesn't have any other powers except the power that the Hammer (Mjolnir) wields within. If she lose the Hammer (Mjolnir), she becomes a mortal again and can be defeated easily unlike Thor who is still a God. And Mjolnir was just a tool for Thor to control his powers and not the source of his powers. But for her Mjolnir is her only power and the minute she lose it, she is good as dead. And also every time she wields this power she is literally dying. She is not even strong, even to be compared to the Mighty Thor who is actually Thor Odinson and not Lady Thor. Thor could easily defeat her with the "Stormbreaker" because she has no other powers and is also not a god. Captain America was able to wield the Mighty Mjolnir and we all could see that because he was the first Avenger, he was mighty in his heart and had fought several battles alongside Thor and the rest of the Avengers. So he is obviously worthy to hold the Mighty Mjolnir. But how in the slightest terms is Jane Foster worthy? All she and Thor had in common was interest in love. She never even fought a battle and one fine day she is to be called "Thor". WTF! Are you out of your mind??


Now comes the big question about the series Loki. Lady Loki is actually not an alternate character, Lady Loki is nothing but Loki himself in a different form. Why a whole series just for a separate character who don't even exist? Who created this mess and why??

Disney has made Marvel create these stupid plots only because this is the generation of feminism. But do know one thing, that 99% of the people who enjoy Marvel Comics are men who aren't feminist. From Captain Marvel to all these latest stupid heroes; are nothing but just a bunch of looney tunes. For the past few years we've seen Marvel taking a slight Disney stance, making Superhero Movies to Disney Princess Movies, and it sucks big time. When you are in for a Marvel Movie, you actually wish to see some serious twist, climax, super action and fun, and now there's no difference between Cinderella and movies like Thor: Love and Thunder. The place were heroes like Spider-Man, Iron-Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America once battled is turned into a theme park for princesses to come. Silly Disney and it's horrible cinematography. The great heroes left. Now the huge fan base that Stan Lee created will just shatter. This phase which Marvel took to include female characters is not just an inclusion but a petty way of promotion since feminism is at it's peak, even though no one knows what it actually is. So this would just hype up their media presence, but Marvel, "Do know this; the haters will increase and the interested will decrease." And if you have actually seen the ratings, it actually went down with each upcoming movies. Hire better writers because this is just plain blunder at it's peak. The whole essence of these characters are just torn apart for new characters to arise and that too is at its worst. It's just Disney's tactics to increase the ratings but what they have actually increased is the number of haters rather than the ratings. And if for one second you think that it's all because it's a woman playing the main character, then, NO! It's because they made a Cinderella story where there should have been raging war and serious action. There were powerful women characters like Black Widow, Wanda, Gamora, The Ancient One and much more and we all loved them. All the Superheroes who are actually way more powerful are just given breaks in these movies. Marvel can now write bedtime stories at it's best or plots for feminist movement because the era of Superheroes is gone. It's time to whine about society. This is a huge dis-respect to Stan Lee's soul who created these master-pieces. Marvel has taken it and created master-sheshits. MCU to MSHEU!!! A Final Good-bye to MCU.

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  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...