Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Legendary Bruce Lee

I am not here to write a biography on Bruce Lee. I am here to establish my opinion on Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is a martial art legend. Of course there are some controversies going on about him. The myth and the truth combined to become the legend. Some of which are hard to believe by people even today.
Bruce Lee is one of the best martial artist who ever lived. He is the father of MMA. The reason for Bruce Lee being famous is his movies, where he performed fights with unbelievable speed, to be clear one could not see his hands move in a camera with a resolution of 15 fps, which led to people thinking that he's the same in real life. And it's true, he has unbelievable speed when it comes to punching, kicking, using nun-chucks, etc. It is to be noted that he is a professional actor and even without being a professional fighter he was able to win against all the professionals within a matter of seconds. Bruce Lee never recorded or fought in public because that might ruin the image for both of the fighters. Most of the fights that happened doesn't have any evidence, so people refuse to believe in them even when people who witnessed the fight says so.
Another reason for Lee being famous is that he was able to generate huge amount of power in his punches and kicks. Even when he is just 58 kg in weight and 172 cm in height he was able to generate thrice the amount of power a normal person of that feat could generate. With just a distance of one-inch from his fist he could throw a person of 72 kg flying back into the chair. And with his six-inch punch he threw a man of 75 kg 16 feet apart from him.
So my opinion is that if Lee started his life to be a professional boxer or MMA fighter or something of that sort, he would make head lines. Because Bruce Lee is a Legend, not a Myth. For people who wish to see the demonstration of his skills, I would suggest the channel given below,

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