Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Fallen Star


Michael Jackson, a name known to all ears. It deeply hurts me to write this this, but since the world destroyed his life, and still continues to do so, it is humanity that drives me to do so. Even in 2022 the soul of the dead is not allowed to rest in peace. People still file lawsuits against the dead in want of the riches. If their motive wasn't money, why file cases again after four years since death, and release documentaries that is suppose to get them empathy, pity from people, all because it's the era of empowerment through fake stories. The accused was found not guilty of any charges since there was no evidence to support any of their cases. A person who suffered deeply in his childhood, traumatized in pain, chemically castrated, how can such a person who went through all these pain can hurt another child. The most famous person in the world, the world would know even if he sneezes; so why would he take such a risk that would ruin his life forever. This is just a strategy by the accusers to get his wealth. All he wanted was his lost childhood. His age didn't matter, he wanted to feel free as a child, no stress and pressure from his career, just to enjoy how a child would, and that's the whole reason why he built neverland like a theme park, so he could have all the fun he missed as a child, but what is fun without friends, and at his age who would be immature enough to have joy rides because everyone's busy with their lives. So he invited children to be around and that's how it all started. If a child was abused, no child in the right mind could hold it too long, every child cracks under pressure, so why lie to all, over a span of long period and then spend time again with him? And there's no solid evidence that support any detail about child molestation. We all know Michael Jackson wasn't gay, so why only boys? And you could see in the documentary of Leaving Neverland the accusers shows no psychological behavioral traits of a person who is abused as a child. This would all just conclude the fact that he wasn't what the accusers accused him to be. And now about the ridiculous security system in the house. Michael Jackson was the most famous person at the time and even now. He mentions in his journal about the fear of being killed. He feared something that was wreaking behind those walls.
By the way Mr. Joe, you are not a singer and there's no general rule that a male's voice should be as flat as yours. His voice is high pitched since early ages and I believe you do know that. And he was chemically castrated to maintain that voice. His voice also had a deep side, I bet you've listened to him more than once. 
His love for young minds, his honesty, his kindness and his beautiful heart made him vulnerable to the nasty world who wanted to tear him down. And being a soft heart he fell easily into the trap woven by those deadly predators who wreaks foul. The world shows great injustice to the real and pure and takes advantages of the weak. 

“Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.”
– Michael Jackson

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  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...