Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Story Of A Life


Life is an amazing experience. Life is a blessing, to live on this wonderful planet with the one's you love, to experience emotions, to share your life, it is truly something unexplainable. The incident that I am going to explain to you is dated a week back. A summer evening, like the usual, my mom is out in the courtyard doing her gardening when she stumbled upon a blue egg cracked open. So obviously she searched nearby for a nest from where it might have fallen, but found nothing. Two days after the incident while she was out doing her work she saw something amazing, she was scared at first, but when she looked closer she found out it was a baby bird. We don't know which bird it is but she took the bird and gently kept the bird on a safe spot so that the other animals might not have a chance at eating the poor bird. She covered it with leaves from trees to hide it from plain sight. At noon while eating lunch she asked me, "What should a person do if he/she finds a baby bird?" I thought it was just a joke, until, by that evening when she showed me the baby bird. I was so curious and yet terrified because I'm not used to these things, I have never owned a pet in my life. I didn't know what to do. So I asked my mom to help me put the bird in a box. So she did what I said. I asked her what can we feed the bird with. So the first thing I did was I poured water over the bird's body and the bird woke up and started opening it's cute little mouth, to swallow. It had a cute beak which was yellow and had grey feathers, and it doesn't even have feathers all over it's body, a new born baby bird. So I started pouring water into the box so that the bird can quench it's thirst. It started sipping from the box. And my mom gave me some rice grains to feed but I don't think it was ready to eat grains because little birdy was not eating it. It was sipping the water from the box. And there were some water left over in the box. Then my mom gave me some coir from the coconut so that the bird can stay warm. So I kept some of it over the bird's body like a blanket to keep it warm. I thought he was happy (yep I think it's a boy), and with faith I went in. The night passed. And that night I dreamed of the birdy walking with me, me feeding him and so on. But fate was despair, everything I hoped failed, everything was ruined. Before I could get to my bird, the world took it's life. I was sad. I could not believe my eyes. I just wanted him to squeak one more time but my hope's in despair. My mom said she saw him moving his body just minutes back. But it was all over. She started complaining me for leaving water in the box. She told he must have died of the coldness. And I complained her for not rescuing him when he was alive and moving. But complaining isn't going to bring him back. He was taken; gone. My mom buried him in our courtyard and I went in, to see him one last time, the poor life that died because of me. I have done a sin. Let the world forgive me for the mistake I have done. I am truly sorry. Forgive Me....

It's just that this story reminds me that life is a one time opportunity, so live your life as you wish, as you need, you are not gonna get a second chance, love your life, because one's gone you can never return. I wish everyone in the world could think the same. 

"One life, One time, One Planet. Live Free, Enjoy And Spread The Joy. Love Everyone." 

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  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...