Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Dark Lord

I recently re-watched Harry Potter. It is one of my favorite movies. The first time I ever watched Harry Potter I actually didn't find it interesting but this time I watched it more than once and each time I watched it I got curious and curious. I started to unveil new secrets hidden within the movie. I started enjoying, I wanted to know more. So coming to the topic, why did I kept the title as The Dark Lord and not Harry Potter. It's because every time I watched I realized Tom Riddle is one of the most powerful wizards ever. He did things no one ever did or thought was impossible. He was literally immortal. If it wasn't for Lilly Potter Harry would have died that night and most of the power's that Harry possess was because a part of Voldemort lies within Harry as he is later revealed to be the Seventh Horcrux. And most of the time Harry was just lucky and was always helped by his friends. Alone, Harry was no threat to Voldemort. It's because Dumbledore, his friends, family and his teachers helped him through-out his quest and let's not forget Dobby, The Free Elf. But Voldemort achieved everything on his own. He raised his power to the max and if the Elder Wand did make him the master he would be unstoppable. It would be a whole different theme. He also mastered every spell even the forbidden dark one. He attained great knowledge which made him the supreme of that era. And that's why I chose Voldemort.

"I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost... but still, I was alive. But I was willing to embrace mortal life again, before chasing immortality." 

               -Avada Kedavra

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  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...