Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Enola Holmes


So the previous day I was watching "Enola Holmes." I think it's a nice movie to watch, a Netflix Movie. The story is actually nice. So I decided to write what I feel about the movie. Though it's a nice movie, its a Holmes' movie and that's the important thing to remember. I think almost everyone of us has heard about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, his brother Mycroft Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson. It's a classic detective tale and I think almost everyone has come over the tales, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And personally I have read many stories of Sherlock Holmes which include Dr. Watson, Mycroft Holmes and Lestrade, but I have never ever come across the character Enola Holmes and her witty mother. And Sherlock Holmes, the series played by, Benedict Cumberbatch, said in one of the episodes that his mother and father isn't like him, but his grandmother shared some characteristics and that season is straight from the tales with the modern era picture and it has mentioned about his sister too, which I failed to read in any of the books. I think that if Benedict Cumberbatch played a series of Sherlock Holmes straight from the tales, in the vintage edition, that would be great. 

Ok, now let me tell you why I feel this movie is not up to the mark of a Holmes' movie. I have seen Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downy Jr. and I believe that movie is far better than this one, because if one thing Sherlock Holmes is; he is fast, observant, adventurous and his excellent deductions, and the moment we all wait to know how the heck did he found the culprit, and this movie even though features Sherlock Holmes fails to show his true color, instead focusses on Enola who is finding her way in her life. But focusing on the movie, she knows Sherlock is the best detective and he can help her find their mother with the appropriate clues and she fails to give the most important evidence which can prove where her mother is. She simply fails to do that, but eventually Sherlock finds all that he needs and find all that Enola finds herself; without the main evidence. I would have been more impressed if it didn't feature Sherlock Holmes and is just a story about Enola. But they chose to feature Sherlock and simply fails to do him right. And this is a big failure to the legendary character Sherlock Holmes. 

Even though the character is not real I really admire Sherlock Holmes, that guy can shred even the slightest clue into a thousand possibilities. And in this movie there isn't a single scene as a viewer that I can't predict, the simple logic of surprise and that "Woah !, How did he?" moment is simply lost and the saddest thing is the movie portrays Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft Holmes too. So I would say this movie did great injustice to the legendary characters, and this movie simply has no surprise elements, no adventures, no action scenes, no twist, no deduction moments, no woah! scenes, and shows slight hint of romance which is definitely not a thing in a Holmes' movie, and fails to show the famous assistant Dr. Watson.

It's a complete shame from Netflix for portraying one of the iconic characters of Fiction History as lame. Netflix, a prey to Feminism? This movie is a huge disappointment. 

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