Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Feminism, A Joke!


I was wondering since I’ve been seeing a lot of it; what is Feminism? The word Feminism means women having equal rights as men. As a human being, I believe that both men and women should have equal rights in our society. There are a lot of feminist in today's world and I really don’t know why? They’re just all over the media for nothing. If you look at the case in India, there were many people like Raja Ramohan Roy who fought for the freedom of women and their rights, and in 2020 women have every rights as men, they stand in politics, have jobs as men, get paid as men. Men fought for women to gain the freedom they want, and now there are seat reservations for women in colleges, seat reservations in bus, trains and just anywhere you look. Women have more priority than men in our society because men knows women needs a little encouragement. But I do want to point this out, as women are physically weak there have been many assaults against women. But does that mean men are not being assaulted at all? No! The people who assault others are psychopaths and what feminist do is they visualize these psychopaths as men as most them are and say all men are bad. If all men are bad, I wonder what it says about your dad. These feminist are just trying to destroy the balance in the society. Whenever there’s a problem, maybe an assault against a women, they come and present themselves in front of the media seeking justice, but all they seek is attention. For a few weeks they roll all over the media, but what happens to the women who got assaulted? Nothing! These feminist turns the news in a different perspective and make it seem like all women are under threat, and if it were the case she would have been the first one dead. We are humans and there’s human rights for everyone in the whole wide world and there’s no need for the feminist to act upon, cuz if it’s a human right violation the government will take care of it. It’s just that the punishments given for murder and assaults isn’t at it's maximum. In the olden days women used to serve men and men used to protect their women and they used to feel safe in their men's hands. I say feminist are just a bunch of losers who doesn’t have a job and shouts nonsense. All they want is to be the men that they hate and I don’t understand, cuz if all they want is to be like men, do they hate being a women? They only see what men get and not what men goes through to get it. You don’t have to be a feminist to say women deserve their rights, it’s democracy and we all know they have their rights. For a better world I’d say kill all the feminists and make the rules strict. For example, those who assault or kill other humans', men or women, must be executed. It's time for Human Rights Activist's to play a major role and to shut the Feminist down because it's not the 1900s.

So that was just a basic summary about what is actually happening in and around the world, but how does Feminism affect others? Because of the Me Too Movement, people have been coming out to the public opening up their issues and it's the one of the greatest revolution. And I support it, but what the world didn't notice is the amount of fake cases piling up. Women use these laws that were made to protect them against others to have their revenge. A person had to serve twenty years in jail because of a woman's lie, and yet they say we need feminism. Just reverse the roles for a second; what if a man goes to a Police Station to report a case against a women for sexual assault? He will be looked at like he is the culprit. Rules must be made for fake cases as well. According to Delhi High Court Eighty Percent(80%) of the rape cases filed were fake. The time when women spoke the truth to the law is far gone. But this also creates another problem for the women who are actually assaulted, because now no one will be ready to believe her since all we see is fakers. All the women who are filing fake cases is committing fraud and must be punished with jail time. Feminism has caused nothing but chaos in today's world, opening up a portal to freedom of terrorism where you believe what you do is always right since you are a woman, and this must be stopped. There was once a generation where men were taught to respect women because women were oppressed and felt un-safe but that is not the case these days. Even then, no-one was ever told to respect a man because of the hard work he does for his family and the nation. A man always earned his respect and was not given by birth.

You can always learn more from Jordan Peterson, and I think most of you know who he is. I'll leave a link below for you guys to watch how misleading the society is and how Jordan clearly tackles each problem. 
Jordan Peterson: “There was plenty of motivation to take me out. It just didn't work" | British GQ

I have also included a video by Andrew Schulz about Feminism. Check it out.
Feminists Want To Be MEN

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