Tuesday, September 20, 2022

You Are Enough


I have always felt that I was not enough. Through my rough days, through my happy days, there was darkness in my soul, always felt like the darkness would get away with my mind. I always felt that I was nothing in this world. Because when I open my eyes I see people helping others, in ways that they can. Social media, YouTube, everywhere people have created their image, a focus on them, making them a great personality all around the world. People pay money to see them and hear them. I've always wanted that attention, at least once in my life, so that people would listen to me. I just want to create a space where people could feel like they are awesome and never feel discouraged. I saw beauty around me and I think these scars ain’t beautiful. I see money around me and I think this wallet ain’t worth it. I felt like my life had no choice but to live this unworthy life as numb, who doesn’t have a voice, who people mock just to get their ways and doesn’t get appreciated by others for his talent, who gets demotivated. I always wished that I could leave a footprint behind before I disappear from this wonderful world. People who have seen the television series FRIENDS might get what I am about to say, there’s a character in ‘FRIENDS’ called ‘Chandler’ and he uses sarcasm and comedy to get away from his difficult situation and the same is my case. I laugh with others and cry alone. Why? I was always haunted by this mysterious question. I was never good enough for someone. I never had an opportunity to love. Was I too bad? Or am I not worthy of love? Questions that haunt me like Dracula, sucking all the positivity from me, leaving me drowning in the darkness of my negativity and inferiority. I always saw myself looking out through a window, a window of hope, that one day I can be someone no matter where I am from, no matter who I am; I can make a difference. I can send my message to the world, I can be someone, cuz I am enough.

I just want to say one thing to this world, 

          "YOU ARE ENOUGH".

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  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...