Tuesday, October 25, 2022




She's just not a princess,

An angel descended,

She just wanna be free,

To love and live as she.

People adored cuz she was kind,

Had no complex she was right,

And it's magic when she smiled,

Cuz she held tears and sorrow behind.

A normal life on mind,

Paparazzi never left her alive,

Surrounded herself with foes,

She never knew that, No!

She just wanted to cry out loud,

No-one heard her cry in pain,

Left alone in a golden cage,

Love was denied and pushed her aside.

Fought and finally found her soul,

She was ready to make that call,

Cruel are those who snooped around,

A fatal crash and there's no sound.

A thousand tears had hit that floor,

We all miss you, so let that flow,

We shall carry your dreams and forth,

Love you one more time, she's gone.

A thousand kissed goodbye,

She never left our heart don't lie,

Love you one more time,

Diana, Princess of Wales,

Diana, Princess of Hearts,

Diana, People's Precious Princess.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Lucid Dream

 It was midnight if I guessed right, because I don't remember how or when, but it was worth remembering and that's why I'm taking this shot at writing it down. So here is what happened. I was scrolling through my phone checking my Instagram and especially as a Selena fan, was checking her pictures and was going through her posts, when suddenly there was a flash, a beam of light just struck me. I was stunned, and when I tried to open my eyes it was too bright for me, yet I tried and when I woke up it was all the same. I am in my room there’s no difference I checked my door and there it was locked, but I kept thinking what just happened? I got confused, I went to look myself in the mirror as if something has happened to my face, but to my satisfaction there was no problem, and when I was about to keep my comb in the drawer after brushing my hair; in the mirror I noticed someone is there on my bed. I was shocked, I was about to scream and thinking that screaming might actually wake that person up I stood still. I still had no clue who was that, so I decided to keep calm. I mustered courage and finally decided to check who is on my bed. I went near my bed and found that he/she was sleeping. I slowly tried to remove the blanket from the head and was shocked to see that, it was Selena. I couldn’t for a second believe my eyes, was I dreaming? Was I under drugs, I couldn’t capture anything, I went to my bathroom, washed my face thrice, pinched myself till I bleed and came back to my room and yes, she was there again. I was going to scream again and I thought that if I woke her up that would create a chaos and it is midnight alright. I was scared about the situation. I was not sure what was I going to say when she wakes up and I have no clue how was she going to react.


I kept thinking, thinking and thinking. I just couldn’t believe that Selena is in my bed. I went to the other side of the bed to see her face carefully. Yes, it was her and she looked too cute and too beautiful to be true. I just stared at her and it was like an hour later that I came back to my senses. I just couldn’t stop, it’s like seeing her more and more makes me want to see her more and more. But soon realizing the reality, I stood up thinking that if she is here, her real people out there might be looking for her in her home. I was scared by the thought that someone might come here to steal her from me. I stood up and grabbing up my toy pistol, I stood there waiting for an attack. But soon realizing that in this cold night, no one’s going to come up here looking for her I went to my bed, slid near her, thinking what are the possibilities that she is here right now and I kept on thinking while lying in my bed beside her. I couldn’t grab a clue as to how she would’ve ended up here, all the way across the world. Is it magic or wizardry or some scientific loop hole stuff? I had no clue. And I was about to close my eyes thinking that I would wake up early before she does and will explain all to her and find a way to send her back home safe and sound, because she might be scared after this weird incident. As I was about to close my eyes I felt something, she rolled over and started cuddling, her hands over my body and her legs on mine and her head on my chest. I trembled with nervousness, but soon realizing that would wake her up I decided to let it be. I patted her head slowly, rolling my fingers through her soft luscious hair, holding her towards me and hugging her tight I closed my eyes, thinking all would be the same when I wake up. And as soon as I could, I woke up, but was shocked not to see her around, I thought she might’ve woken up early and went downstairs. I suddenly got out of bed, sneakily walked down the stairs and searched everywhere until my mom caught me asking, “Are you searching for something?”, to which I said, ” Yeah, but she’s nowhere to be seen”. Mom surprisingly asked, “She?” I said, “Umm, yep my phone, my darling” and nearly escaped from her clutches and went back to my room, searched under my bed. I was in a dilemma, what had happened last night? What was that all about? I couldn’t understand a thing. Then I took my phone only to see that, she has posted her latest selfie in Instagram. I asked myself, “Was I dreaming?” But I couldn’t believe because it all felt real. I went on the internet searched about similar incidents, only to find a single term Lucid. It was a Lucid Dream.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Legendary Bruce Lee

I am not here to write a biography on Bruce Lee. I am here to establish my opinion on Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is a martial art legend. Of course there are some controversies going on about him. The myth and the truth combined to become the legend. Some of which are hard to believe by people even today.
Bruce Lee is one of the best martial artist who ever lived. He is the father of MMA. The reason for Bruce Lee being famous is his movies, where he performed fights with unbelievable speed, to be clear one could not see his hands move in a camera with a resolution of 15 fps, which led to people thinking that he's the same in real life. And it's true, he has unbelievable speed when it comes to punching, kicking, using nun-chucks, etc. It is to be noted that he is a professional actor and even without being a professional fighter he was able to win against all the professionals within a matter of seconds. Bruce Lee never recorded or fought in public because that might ruin the image for both of the fighters. Most of the fights that happened doesn't have any evidence, so people refuse to believe in them even when people who witnessed the fight says so.
Another reason for Lee being famous is that he was able to generate huge amount of power in his punches and kicks. Even when he is just 58 kg in weight and 172 cm in height he was able to generate thrice the amount of power a normal person of that feat could generate. With just a distance of one-inch from his fist he could throw a person of 72 kg flying back into the chair. And with his six-inch punch he threw a man of 75 kg 16 feet apart from him.
So my opinion is that if Lee started his life to be a professional boxer or MMA fighter or something of that sort, he would make head lines. Because Bruce Lee is a Legend, not a Myth. For people who wish to see the demonstration of his skills, I would suggest the channel given below,



Recently, I happen to see the trailer of the new Marvel Series, She-Hulk. Well, the trailer makes it seem like She-Hulk is stronger than the Hulk. But NO! When it comes to reality, She-Hulk is not even in the top most powerful versions of Hulk. The Titan Hulk is the most powerful version of Hulk according to Marvel Universe. This Hulk is actually Bruce Banner himself, also known as "Hulk's Hulk". So if any of you watching this trailer think for one second that She-Hulk is stronger than the original Hulk, you're wrong because she is nothing compared to the real deal. This series doesn't show anything related to what a superhero should be. This series doesn't even need a She-Hulk to be exact because it's all about an independent woman who is facing discrimination from society. This is not a Marvel Movie, it's a Disney Movie where the princess fight for her dreams. And a huge disappointment from Marvel for not showcasing Hulk's full potential in the past few Avengers' Movies. Hulk can cause a lot more destruction than he actually does in these movies. And Hulk is not a funny guy, he is always angry except for a few moments. And that angry Hulk which we all witnessed in the movies Hulk and Incredible Hulk was also taken away. It was and still is a huge disappointment from the Marvel Team.


Let's move on to Thor: Love and Thunder and why that is also a big failure. Thor is one of the most powerful Avengers, who is also a Norse God and Jane Foster is a mere mortal. Even though she was able to lift the Mighty Hammer (Mjolnir), she doesn't have any other powers except the power that the Hammer (Mjolnir) wields within. If she lose the Hammer (Mjolnir), she becomes a mortal again and can be defeated easily unlike Thor who is still a God. And Mjolnir was just a tool for Thor to control his powers and not the source of his powers. But for her Mjolnir is her only power and the minute she lose it, she is good as dead. And also every time she wields this power she is literally dying. She is not even strong, even to be compared to the Mighty Thor who is actually Thor Odinson and not Lady Thor. Thor could easily defeat her with the "Stormbreaker" because she has no other powers and is also not a god. Captain America was able to wield the Mighty Mjolnir and we all could see that because he was the first Avenger, he was mighty in his heart and had fought several battles alongside Thor and the rest of the Avengers. So he is obviously worthy to hold the Mighty Mjolnir. But how in the slightest terms is Jane Foster worthy? All she and Thor had in common was interest in love. She never even fought a battle and one fine day she is to be called "Thor". WTF! Are you out of your mind??


Now comes the big question about the series Loki. Lady Loki is actually not an alternate character, Lady Loki is nothing but Loki himself in a different form. Why a whole series just for a separate character who don't even exist? Who created this mess and why??

Disney has made Marvel create these stupid plots only because this is the generation of feminism. But do know one thing, that 99% of the people who enjoy Marvel Comics are men who aren't feminist. From Captain Marvel to all these latest stupid heroes; are nothing but just a bunch of looney tunes. For the past few years we've seen Marvel taking a slight Disney stance, making Superhero Movies to Disney Princess Movies, and it sucks big time. When you are in for a Marvel Movie, you actually wish to see some serious twist, climax, super action and fun, and now there's no difference between Cinderella and movies like Thor: Love and Thunder. The place were heroes like Spider-Man, Iron-Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America once battled is turned into a theme park for princesses to come. Silly Disney and it's horrible cinematography. The great heroes left. Now the huge fan base that Stan Lee created will just shatter. This phase which Marvel took to include female characters is not just an inclusion but a petty way of promotion since feminism is at it's peak, even though no one knows what it actually is. So this would just hype up their media presence, but Marvel, "Do know this; the haters will increase and the interested will decrease." And if you have actually seen the ratings, it actually went down with each upcoming movies. Hire better writers because this is just plain blunder at it's peak. The whole essence of these characters are just torn apart for new characters to arise and that too is at its worst. It's just Disney's tactics to increase the ratings but what they have actually increased is the number of haters rather than the ratings. And if for one second you think that it's all because it's a woman playing the main character, then, NO! It's because they made a Cinderella story where there should have been raging war and serious action. There were powerful women characters like Black Widow, Wanda, Gamora, The Ancient One and much more and we all loved them. All the Superheroes who are actually way more powerful are just given breaks in these movies. Marvel can now write bedtime stories at it's best or plots for feminist movement because the era of Superheroes is gone. It's time to whine about society. This is a huge dis-respect to Stan Lee's soul who created these master-pieces. Marvel has taken it and created master-sheshits. MCU to MSHEU!!! A Final Good-bye to MCU.

The Fallen Star


Michael Jackson, a name known to all ears. It deeply hurts me to write this this, but since the world destroyed his life, and still continues to do so, it is humanity that drives me to do so. Even in 2022 the soul of the dead is not allowed to rest in peace. People still file lawsuits against the dead in want of the riches. If their motive wasn't money, why file cases again after four years since death, and release documentaries that is suppose to get them empathy, pity from people, all because it's the era of empowerment through fake stories. The accused was found not guilty of any charges since there was no evidence to support any of their cases. A person who suffered deeply in his childhood, traumatized in pain, chemically castrated, how can such a person who went through all these pain can hurt another child. The most famous person in the world, the world would know even if he sneezes; so why would he take such a risk that would ruin his life forever. This is just a strategy by the accusers to get his wealth. All he wanted was his lost childhood. His age didn't matter, he wanted to feel free as a child, no stress and pressure from his career, just to enjoy how a child would, and that's the whole reason why he built neverland like a theme park, so he could have all the fun he missed as a child, but what is fun without friends, and at his age who would be immature enough to have joy rides because everyone's busy with their lives. So he invited children to be around and that's how it all started. If a child was abused, no child in the right mind could hold it too long, every child cracks under pressure, so why lie to all, over a span of long period and then spend time again with him? And there's no solid evidence that support any detail about child molestation. We all know Michael Jackson wasn't gay, so why only boys? And you could see in the documentary of Leaving Neverland the accusers shows no psychological behavioral traits of a person who is abused as a child. This would all just conclude the fact that he wasn't what the accusers accused him to be. And now about the ridiculous security system in the house. Michael Jackson was the most famous person at the time and even now. He mentions in his journal about the fear of being killed. He feared something that was wreaking behind those walls.
By the way Mr. Joe, you are not a singer and there's no general rule that a male's voice should be as flat as yours. His voice is high pitched since early ages and I believe you do know that. And he was chemically castrated to maintain that voice. His voice also had a deep side, I bet you've listened to him more than once. 
His love for young minds, his honesty, his kindness and his beautiful heart made him vulnerable to the nasty world who wanted to tear him down. And being a soft heart he fell easily into the trap woven by those deadly predators who wreaks foul. The world shows great injustice to the real and pure and takes advantages of the weak. 

“Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.”
– Michael Jackson

The Story Of A Life


Life is an amazing experience. Life is a blessing, to live on this wonderful planet with the one's you love, to experience emotions, to share your life, it is truly something unexplainable. The incident that I am going to explain to you is dated a week back. A summer evening, like the usual, my mom is out in the courtyard doing her gardening when she stumbled upon a blue egg cracked open. So obviously she searched nearby for a nest from where it might have fallen, but found nothing. Two days after the incident while she was out doing her work she saw something amazing, she was scared at first, but when she looked closer she found out it was a baby bird. We don't know which bird it is but she took the bird and gently kept the bird on a safe spot so that the other animals might not have a chance at eating the poor bird. She covered it with leaves from trees to hide it from plain sight. At noon while eating lunch she asked me, "What should a person do if he/she finds a baby bird?" I thought it was just a joke, until, by that evening when she showed me the baby bird. I was so curious and yet terrified because I'm not used to these things, I have never owned a pet in my life. I didn't know what to do. So I asked my mom to help me put the bird in a box. So she did what I said. I asked her what can we feed the bird with. So the first thing I did was I poured water over the bird's body and the bird woke up and started opening it's cute little mouth, to swallow. It had a cute beak which was yellow and had grey feathers, and it doesn't even have feathers all over it's body, a new born baby bird. So I started pouring water into the box so that the bird can quench it's thirst. It started sipping from the box. And my mom gave me some rice grains to feed but I don't think it was ready to eat grains because little birdy was not eating it. It was sipping the water from the box. And there were some water left over in the box. Then my mom gave me some coir from the coconut so that the bird can stay warm. So I kept some of it over the bird's body like a blanket to keep it warm. I thought he was happy (yep I think it's a boy), and with faith I went in. The night passed. And that night I dreamed of the birdy walking with me, me feeding him and so on. But fate was despair, everything I hoped failed, everything was ruined. Before I could get to my bird, the world took it's life. I was sad. I could not believe my eyes. I just wanted him to squeak one more time but my hope's in despair. My mom said she saw him moving his body just minutes back. But it was all over. She started complaining me for leaving water in the box. She told he must have died of the coldness. And I complained her for not rescuing him when he was alive and moving. But complaining isn't going to bring him back. He was taken; gone. My mom buried him in our courtyard and I went in, to see him one last time, the poor life that died because of me. I have done a sin. Let the world forgive me for the mistake I have done. I am truly sorry. Forgive Me....

It's just that this story reminds me that life is a one time opportunity, so live your life as you wish, as you need, you are not gonna get a second chance, love your life, because one's gone you can never return. I wish everyone in the world could think the same. 

"One life, One time, One Planet. Live Free, Enjoy And Spread The Joy. Love Everyone." 

The Dark Lord

I recently re-watched Harry Potter. It is one of my favorite movies. The first time I ever watched Harry Potter I actually didn't find it interesting but this time I watched it more than once and each time I watched it I got curious and curious. I started to unveil new secrets hidden within the movie. I started enjoying, I wanted to know more. So coming to the topic, why did I kept the title as The Dark Lord and not Harry Potter. It's because every time I watched I realized Tom Riddle is one of the most powerful wizards ever. He did things no one ever did or thought was impossible. He was literally immortal. If it wasn't for Lilly Potter Harry would have died that night and most of the power's that Harry possess was because a part of Voldemort lies within Harry as he is later revealed to be the Seventh Horcrux. And most of the time Harry was just lucky and was always helped by his friends. Alone, Harry was no threat to Voldemort. It's because Dumbledore, his friends, family and his teachers helped him through-out his quest and let's not forget Dobby, The Free Elf. But Voldemort achieved everything on his own. He raised his power to the max and if the Elder Wand did make him the master he would be unstoppable. It would be a whole different theme. He also mastered every spell even the forbidden dark one. He attained great knowledge which made him the supreme of that era. And that's why I chose Voldemort.

"I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost... but still, I was alive. But I was willing to embrace mortal life again, before chasing immortality." 

               -Avada Kedavra

My Life


My Life

Shook the world like a lightning bolt,

I got no cure, it's rarely pure.

I found a place to hide,

So far away from life,

Blend my pain to my soul.

I fight my way so far and more,

Let me seek the truth,

Find it by my wit,

Of the journey that ends my life,

My Life....


The Cold Breath


It was a cold last night, I was under my sheets in the air of tension, I could see him in the dark, with that scaly hoodie covering his whole body but I could not see his legs as if  he was floating in the air, he started approaching me, I was terrified and the moment he tried to get hold me I slipped from his clutches and started running, all I could think of is how can I escape him, so I ran and ran. I soon escaped from his shadows but it lasted only for a second. Before I knew death was standing right in front of me, I was pale and cold as ice, the breeze caused shiver inside of me, I could feel the cold whisper each breath against my skin and before I know I was under his spell. I tried to break free and as soon as the tension broke I opened my eyes but my lungs could not. I couldn't breathe, I was trying hard to inhale, breathing heavily each second. I thought I was taken but God gave me hope, the next glimpse of light I woke from this bloody dream breathing heavily. I went to take a sip of water and I felt it, each drop flowing down my body to my stomach; a cold feeling, a sudden drowsiness and with my eye wobbling I was stamped to my bed by a blow only to awake the next morning with a bright sunshine. I'm so relieved that it was all just a nightmare. Or Was It ?

Enola Holmes


So the previous day I was watching "Enola Holmes." I think it's a nice movie to watch, a Netflix Movie. The story is actually nice. So I decided to write what I feel about the movie. Though it's a nice movie, its a Holmes' movie and that's the important thing to remember. I think almost everyone of us has heard about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, his brother Mycroft Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson. It's a classic detective tale and I think almost everyone has come over the tales, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And personally I have read many stories of Sherlock Holmes which include Dr. Watson, Mycroft Holmes and Lestrade, but I have never ever come across the character Enola Holmes and her witty mother. And Sherlock Holmes, the series played by, Benedict Cumberbatch, said in one of the episodes that his mother and father isn't like him, but his grandmother shared some characteristics and that season is straight from the tales with the modern era picture and it has mentioned about his sister too, which I failed to read in any of the books. I think that if Benedict Cumberbatch played a series of Sherlock Holmes straight from the tales, in the vintage edition, that would be great. 

Ok, now let me tell you why I feel this movie is not up to the mark of a Holmes' movie. I have seen Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downy Jr. and I believe that movie is far better than this one, because if one thing Sherlock Holmes is; he is fast, observant, adventurous and his excellent deductions, and the moment we all wait to know how the heck did he found the culprit, and this movie even though features Sherlock Holmes fails to show his true color, instead focusses on Enola who is finding her way in her life. But focusing on the movie, she knows Sherlock is the best detective and he can help her find their mother with the appropriate clues and she fails to give the most important evidence which can prove where her mother is. She simply fails to do that, but eventually Sherlock finds all that he needs and find all that Enola finds herself; without the main evidence. I would have been more impressed if it didn't feature Sherlock Holmes and is just a story about Enola. But they chose to feature Sherlock and simply fails to do him right. And this is a big failure to the legendary character Sherlock Holmes. 

Even though the character is not real I really admire Sherlock Holmes, that guy can shred even the slightest clue into a thousand possibilities. And in this movie there isn't a single scene as a viewer that I can't predict, the simple logic of surprise and that "Woah !, How did he?" moment is simply lost and the saddest thing is the movie portrays Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft Holmes too. So I would say this movie did great injustice to the legendary characters, and this movie simply has no surprise elements, no adventures, no action scenes, no twist, no deduction moments, no woah! scenes, and shows slight hint of romance which is definitely not a thing in a Holmes' movie, and fails to show the famous assistant Dr. Watson.

It's a complete shame from Netflix for portraying one of the iconic characters of Fiction History as lame. Netflix, a prey to Feminism? This movie is a huge disappointment. 



I've always had this thought in my mind rolling over and over. Is it true or not? Or was it just a doubt that I had? I was always confused, tortured by this thought. Thought I never feel that again, but here I am. It's all falling into place perfectly right. I don't know is it just me or them, but RM was also disappointed by them. She always took care of him as a son, not me though, but I was not sad and that certainly didn't stop me. I always dreamt big, thought I would make them proud one day but she didn't want me to be the one, she wanted him. Said she loved us both the same but one only need to open their eyes to see the mask she had on, lying and lying about everything. I helped her every time in need but she never did the same. I helped him too, certainly we had unresolved issues in the past, thought that would just slide away; but no, it never did. It remained like a stain in my brain. Every time they made my heart rage on fire, my mind always said to shed a tear. I always wanted to stay calm in peace, but time never gave me the opportunity. They were always a bond, had each others back, but not mine. They say it's fate, astrology but I never believed until today. I always wanted to be perfect, I never was and I know I never will. 'Lonely' certainly makes sense. I have all this love that I want to pour over like a rain but there's no one on the other side. If I certainly find a person that can make me happy, count up for all the tears that I had shed. I know this is not it. But I love RM though, he is the only one beside me that goes through the same pain. I certainly live for him, not for them. Everyone say the love she give is the best love that one can receive but all I got so far is pain and heart wrecking sadness and depression. Emotional pain is so hard to deal with, one cannot heal this open wound, it stays open forever.

Justin is right, "cuz what if you had it all

                           and nobody to call." 

I know it's a tough competition out there but I am gonna fight to my last breath and thrive. I am a lone wolf out in the dark waiting for the prey only to rip them apart and tear it down. Feel the power of wrath, like a dragon soaring in the sky only to feel the freedom. I always wanted a life with calmness and peace and I know people who have achieved it and for it to be done I have to be alone without commitment. 

This day will always be remembered, the day that changed the coarse of my life. I wanna be awesome, be great, a mind that all people shall remember, a person of heart, warmth, one who certainly knows the pain, one who help others in need, one whose always there, one who forgives. I wanna leave a foot print behind when I leave this wonderful place.


  Diana She's just not a princess, An angel descended, She just wanna be free, To love and live as she. People adored cuz she was kind, ...